Monday, 17 February 2014

Loading 'loop' Device in OpenSUSE

Okay, I'm still a noob with OpenSUSE 13.1 - I've kept my eye on it for years but never took the plunge until recently.  One of the applications I have on every machine I own is Truecrypt.  Installed it direct from the site then tried to mount a volume when I got this error.

Problem is explained right there in the error message.  And its an easy one to fix.  In fact, the loop device is used for a lot of common things I expect to be doing, so I will just ensure its enabled in the kernel.

A quick check for how OpenSUSE does it (told you I was a noob), then loaded the loop kernel module with:

    sudo /sbin/modprobe loop

You can test if this loaded by:

    sudo /sbin/lsmod | grep loop

The status of the loop module is shown, if loaded - and if its not loaded, then nothing will be returned.

Lastely, I wanted to ensure loop gets loaded every time I boot the machine, so I added this:

    sudo echo loop > /etc/modules-load.d/loop.conf

Back to Truecrypt, voila!

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