Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Migrate VMware Fusion Virtual Machines to VirtualBox

If you Google on how to migrate a VMware Fusion virtual machine (VM) to Oracle VirtualBox, you will find a lot of different methods and responses.  I selected the following due to the simplicity of it, as well as the small size of the open virtualization format (OVF) used for moving between physical machines.

On your OSX machine that has Fusion installed, and since we will be working from the command line, I link the ovftool to /usr/local/bin/ which is on my $PATH (you can link it to any other location, or skip and access with the full path).
    ln -s /Applications/VMware\ Fusion.app/Contents/Library/VMware\ OVF\ Tool/ovftool /usr/local/bin/
Ensure your VM is powered off before starting this.  Run the tool against the VMX file - outputting the OVF file to wherever you want.
    ovftool --acceptAllEulas ../../Virtual\ Machines.localized/Debian.vmwarevm/Debian.vmx Debian.ovf
 Then in Virtual Box do an Import Appliance from the File menu.

Once finished, don't forget to remove the VMware Tools and install the VirtualBox Guest Addons.  Oh yea, double check your VirtualBox settings for this newly converted VM as well - do not assume they converted correctly.

Finally, cross your fingers and start it up!

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