Sunday, 23 March 2014

Speed Up Your Browsing with Profile-Sync-Daemon

What if I told you that you could greatly speed up your browser while reducing the physical wear on your hard drive?  You'd call me a daft bugger I'd bet!  :-)

I found this application some weeks ago and recommend it, profile-sync-daemon on the AUR.  It symlinks your browser profile to /tmp which is a tmpfs (running in RAM), so the large amount of disk I/O that it generates is now in RAM rather than on your disk.  This is great for HDD as well as SSD - with speed increases up to six times taster. It supports a wide range of browsers including:

  • Chromium
  • Firefox
  • Google Chome
  • Midori
  • Opera

Very easy to install, just edit (as root).
Setting USERS to a space delimited list of user accounts on this machine.
Close your browsers, then enable and start it in systemd.
    systemctl enable psd
    systemctl start psd
You can see what just happened with parse.
    profile-sync-daemon parse

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